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Thermal Vapor Recompression (TVR)

TVR is a thermal vapor recompression technology (TVR). The TVR evaporator system has been improved
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TVR is a thermal vapor recompression technology (TVR). The TVR evaporator system has been improved compared to the directly exhausted secondary vapor system, which uses a jet heat pump to recover part of the secondary vapor. For jet heat pumps, only 0.3kg of 1kg high-pressure vapor can be injected, and another portion of fresh steam is needed for injection. According to the principle of heat pumps, vapor from the boiling chamber (vapor liquid separator) is pressurized to a higher pressure, at this time, the corresponding saturated vapor has a higher temperature compared to the steam in the evaporator, and the vapor can be reused. The requirement can be met by using a steam jet compressor (TVR). According to its characteristics of steam reusing, the energy saved by using a steam compressor (TVR) is equivalent to the energy saved by adding a one-effect evaporator. That is to say, it is equivalent to adding a one-effect evaporator. Therefore, it is currently widely used, however, the operation of steam compressors also requires a certain amount of fresh steam injection as power steam, which can save about 60% of energy during operation.

d.jpgProduct features:

1、It is necessary to have the conditions for stable supply of saturated steam with a pressure over 0.7MPa.
2、Mainly used for pre concentration of materials;
3、With low operating costs, and it is used as a mainstream process;

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